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Natural Ways to Make Your Bedroom Smell Clean and Amazing

Having a bedroom that smells clean and amazing is something we all want. And we don’t have to use harsh chemicals to get that clean scent. Check out these great natural ways to make your bedroom smell clean and amazing.

natural ways to make your home smell clean

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We’ve spent some time cleaning and organizing our bedrooms and now we want them to smell clean and amazing.

A bedroom that smells musty, dusty, or downright stinky isn’t going to be your tranquil space for a good night’s sleep.

So how do you get that fresh and clean bedroom scent without spraying harsh chemicals into the air?

I’ve put together a list of natural ways to make your bedroom smell clean and amazing to help you out.

Natural Ways to Make Your Bedroom Smell Clean

Clean up

Dirty socks, shoes and clothes thrown all over the bedroom are sure not a pleasant smell. If you want a clean smelling room, you can’t have dirty items laying all over the place.

Put dirty clothes and socks in a hamper and wash as soon as possible. For stinky shoes, sprinkle a little baking soda inside and let them sit overnight. Pour the baking soda out in the morning.

Open the windows

The quickest and most natural way to make your bedroom smell clean is to open a window. Opening the windows lets in fresh air and allows the sunlight to come pouring in. Make it a habit to open a window every morning (weather permitting) so your bedroom will smell fresher.

The air outside is a lot cleaner than the air inside your bedroom. That is unless you live near a busy highway or an industrial area. Inside air is full of pollution from cleaning products, mold, pollen, and possible harmful gases such as carbon monoxide. So open a window and let the fresh air in!

Wash the sheets

Bedsheets absorb a lot of sweat, bodily fluids, and shed skin particles every night. And they really start to stink if you wait too long between each wash. Washing your sheets every week will help prevent the stinky smell from lingering in your bedroom.

If you have pets that sleep with you every night or your susceptible to allergies, you might want to change your sheets more often.

Freshen the carpet

Bedroom carpet has it’s positives – it’s comfortable to walk on, it muffles sounds, and it keeps the floor warm. However, it also has it’s negatives. Bedroom carpet can hold on to bacteria, pollen, mold, and whatever your feet have brought in the room.

Another natural way to make your bedroom smell clean is to freshen up your carpet. You can make your own carpet freshener using baking soda. Just sprinkle it on the carpet, let it sit for about 15 minutes, then vacuum as normal. If you want it to smell nice, add some essential oils to the baking soda and mix really well before sprinkling on the carpet. To see my homemade carpet freshener recipe, click here.

Hang a sachet

Sachets can be hung in closets or placed in drawers, or they can hang from shelves or laid on top of bedside tables. Sachets are great natural ways to make your bedroom smell clean since they do not contain any harsh chemicals. You can make your own sachet with essential oils or dried lavender.

To see my handmade drawer sachet, click here. Or for my handmade hanging sachet tutorial, click here.

lavender-scented drawer sachet

Diffuse essential oils

diffuser - natural ways to make your home smell clean

I love to diffuse essential oils to make my home smell good. Mixing oils together for different scents is a great way to get the scent you’re looking for.

Some scents I recommend for the bedroom are: lavender (for its calming affect), Valerian root (known for its ability to improve the quality of sleep), clary sage (also known for enhancing sleep), and sweet marjoram (which relieves insomnia).

Add fresh flowers and plants

Sitting fresh flowers on your nightstand or on top of your dresser is another great way to add natural scent to your bedroom. Buy some flowers or bring some inside from your own flower garden. Flowers can boost your mood and reduce your stress levels.

Indoor plants are also great to have in your bedroom because they naturally filter air pollutants and improve air quality. They remove dust particles in the air as well as mold spores, bacteria and allergens.

How do you freshen up your bedroom? Do you use any of these natural ways to make your bedroom smell clean?

Looking for more natural cleaning tips? I recommend these great posts:
12 Ways to Use a Toothbrush for Cleaning
10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Lemons
Amazing Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide
Baking Soda Benefits for Health and Household

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Natural ways to make your bedroom smell clean
natural ways to make your bedroom smell clean
Kole Jax Sparkle

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