How to Use a Lemon to Clean Your Entire House
Are you looking for a chemical-free way to clean your home and leave it smelling amazing? Look no farther than your kitchen! Here are some great ways to use a lemon to clean your entire house.

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Are you looking for a natural, chemical-free way to clean your home?
Do you want your home to not only feel clean, but to smell clean, too?
Then you need to head into your kitchen and grab a lemon!
The citric acid in lemon juice acts a natural cleaning agent that will cut through certain types of stains. It’s also very effective at cutting though soap scum. Imagine a sparkling clean shower door that’s free of soap scum and smells amazing!
So before reaching for those harsh cleaning sprays that are filled with harmful chemicals, grab a lemon instead!
Here are some great ways to use a lemon to clean your entire house.
And don’t forget to check out these other uses for lemons, too!
Clean Stained Food Containers
I had a few plastic food containers that were stained with leftover spaghetti sauce. (I know you secretly have one or two of these hidden away, too!) Get those stains off by using a lemon to clean them. Here’s how:
Cut a lemon in half and squeeze some lemon juice directly into the container. Use the cut side of the lemon to rub the juice around the container, focusing on the stains. Then, set the containers out in the sun to dry. After they have dried, wash the plastic containers as you normally would. Those stubborn sauce stains should disappear!
Clean Your Cutting Boards

Since cutting boards are used to prep the foods you eat, you probably don’t want to wash them with harsh chemical cleaners. The process for removing stains from wood or plastic cutting boards is similar to cleaning food containers.
First, cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice directly onto the cutting board. Then, rub the juice in with the cut side of the lemon and let it sit for about 20 minutes. The acid will work on the stains, leaving you with a fresh, clean cutting board.
Get Shinier Plates
Put a cup of lemon juice in a dishwasher-safe container and set it on the top rack of the dishwasher. Then, run a load as normal to get clean, shiny plates!
Clean Your Microwave

Remove crusty, caked-on foods easily from your microwave by microwaving a bowl of water with fresh lemon juice for 3 to 5 minutes, or until it starts to boil. Then wait another 5 minutes before opening the door so the steam can do it’s magic on the walls of the microwave. Finally, remove the bowl and wipe down the inside of the microwave.
Deodorize Your Garbage Disposal
After a while, your garbage disposal can really start to stink. If you notice a yucky odor coming from the drain, run a few lemon rinds through the garbage disposal to eliminate the smell.
Brighten up Kitchen and Bathroom Faucets

Spritz lemon juice on kitchen and bathroom faucets, wait 10 to 15 minutes, then wipe clean. The lemon juice removes hard water buildup and/or mineral deposits from your faucets.
Easily Clean Your Cheese Grater
I don’t use a cheese grater often, but I hate to clean it when I do! It’s so hard to get the sticky cheese out of those tiny holes. However, cutting a lemon in half and running the cut side along the grater makes it so much easier to clear away all the leftover pieces of cheese!
Brighten Up White Clothes
I am unable to use bleach on anything and because of that I’m definitely not putting it on clothes that will be touching my skin. So instead of using bleach to brighten whites, lemon juice does the trick just as well.
To use lemons to make white clothes brighter, just add one-half cup of lemon juice to a gallon of hot water. Boil the water for a few minutes, then soak your whites in the mixture for at least an hour or overnight. Then wash as you normally would.
If your whites are not too terribly stained, you can add one-half cup of lemon juice in place of bleach to your wash cycle.
Tip: It’s best to use lemon juice on cottons and polyester only!
Make a Lemon-Scented Degreaser
To make a natural degreasing spray, combine 2 cups water, 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon Castile soap, and 1 tablespoon baking soda in a spray bottle. Swirl the bottle to mix the ingredients well. This recipe works on almost any hard surface besides wood. The lemon fights stains and disinfects, while the baking soda acts as a gentle abrasive.
Polish Furniture

Before heading to the store to buy a furniture polish full of harmful chemicals, consider making your own natural lemon-scented furniture polish. Just combine 2 parts olive oil with 1 part lemon juice in a small container. Then apply it a cloth to wood tables and chairs.
Tip: Be sure to try the DIY polish on a small section to make sure it won’t stain. Remember – not all finishes are created equally!
Make Your Bathtub Sparkle
A grimy bathtub is gross and uninviting. Who wants to relax in a dirty tub? You can use a lemon to clean your bathtub and leave it sparkling!
Mix equal parts baking soda and cream of tartar, then add in a little bit of lemon juice. Rub the paste on the stained tub and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then, rinse the bathtub to reveal a clean and sparkling bathtub.
Clean Shower Doors
Pour some lemon juice in a spray bottle and spray it directly on the shower doors. Allow it to sit for a minute or so, then wipe clean with a clean, damp cloth. Thanks to the acidity in the lemon, the soap scum comes right off!
Tip: Don’t use lemons to clean natural stone!
Freshen the Air Naturally

Litter boxes, paint fumes, and cooked fish or broccoli can leave your home smelling a tad gross. Luckily, lemons can save the day and leave your home smelling fresh and clean. Add several slices of lemon or lemon peels to a small pot of water and simmer for about an hour.
As you can see, lemons are perfect for cleaning. And not only will your home be clean, it will smell clean, too!
Do you use a lemon to clean certain areas of your home? I’d love to hear your tips in the comments!
Looking for more cleaning tips? Read these next:
- 12 Ways to Use a Toothbrush for Cleaning
- Natural Cleaning Supplies with Recipes
- How to Clean Your Bedroom in Just 15 Minutes
- How to Clean Your Mattress the Right Way

All great ideas, Michelle. I love the scent of lemon!
Thank you so much! Me, too. It smells so refreshing!
Great suggestions!
Thank you very much 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so much!
My pleasure 🌼
Awesome ideas Michelle. Great to see your post in my notifications 🤗
Thank you so much! Aww, thanks! It’s been a crazy year. 🤗
Oh, I didn’t know that about the stained food containers, I have a few of those, great idea, I’m trying this, and the cutting board tip too. Actually all of these are such great suggestions for lemon use, thank you for this blog post. xo
Thank you! That’s great that you’ll be trying it out. I’ve thrown away so many stained containers in the past before I knew that little trick. I could have saved so much money! 😂
Love this. I have used a lemon in the microwave and it’s such a great trick. I will definitely try some of your other tips.
Thank you! The microwave can get pretty smelly after reheating so many dishes and the lemon just freshens it right up. 😊
Wonderful tips, Michelle. Great to see your post!
Thank you! It’s been a crazy year. 😉
Michelle! It’s so great to hear from you. I’ve missed you. I hope you are doing okay. Thank you for these fabulous tips! I had no idea how handy lemon was!
Aww, thank you!! It’s been a very busy and really hard year, but I’m ok. 🤗 I’m glad you enjoyed these tips! And it’s great that lemons are so cheap. 😁
I’m sorry things have been hard. I am praying for you. 🙏♥️
Thanks Michelle for sharing these useful hints. I never knew about using lemon on cutting boards, I will definitely try that one.
You’re welcome! I’m glad to hear you’ll be trying that tip. It’s amazing how well it works. 🙂
Great. Going to try this for spring cleaning
That’s awesome! 🙂
I wondered how you were! Great ideas!!
Thank you! It’s been a crazy busy year. Haha! 😀
Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome! Thank you for your comment! 🙂
Lemon ideas are wonderful. However I’m anaphylactic to citrus. grrrrr.
Oh no! Well, stay away from lemons then. 😀
I’ll try that simmer option! Here’s a weird question…I put some lemon juice (diluted) in a spray bottle, but the bottle ended up–well, the best way I can describe it, is “shrivelling”. Did I not dilute the lemon juice enough?
I think the acid in the lemon can be strong enough to dissolve certain plastics, so it’s probably best to use a glass bottle. The same thing has happened to me before, too!
Oh good! I’ll have to keep an eye out for a glass (or metal, since I’m super clumsy) bottle! I shouldn’t be using plastic anyway, for the environment’s sake. Right?
Right! Lol! 😉
PS Since I worked in kitchens and food service in a former life, I always think about sanitizing/cleaning my cutting boards in a non-toxic way, but it never occurred to me to use lemon on them! Thanks for that fantastic tip! And that tip about using it on water faucets is even better!
You’re welcome! I’m so glad that helped! I worked in fast food for 9 years and it always bugged me that our managers soaked the cutting boards with the other dishes. Yuck! Thank you!
Ugh, yes, so you know! I worked for Chili’s actually, and (I don’t know why I think that’s ironic), they had one of the best track records for kitchen cleanliness. 🙂
I got some new ideas here, thank you Michelle!
That’s great! I’m so glad you found these tips helpful!
Great ideas. Am on it.
Thank you so much!!
Great suggestions. For many of these I use bleach, vinegar, or ammonia, but using lemon juice sounds like a much better alternative. I also slice a lemon and quarter the slices and add 1 piece to my dogs’ water each day. I helps that doggie breath. The first time I did it, I put several pieces in and the dogs didn’t want to drink the water.
Thank you! I can’t use bleach or ammonia, but I do love using vinegar, too. I’ve never heard of adding lemon to dog’s water before. I’ll have to try that because my dog’s breath isn’t exactly the best. Haha!
Michelle! It’s so good to see you here, my friend. You have been missed. ❤️ I’ve been keeping you in my prayers.
These tips are wild. You always come up with amazing ideas to share. One I can testify works 100% is cleaning the microwave with lemon water. Back in my bachelorette days, I was a comfort food cookin’ fool in my microwave, LOL. Needless to say, my microwave looked like it too. I didn’t want to use that chemical cleaner stuff made for that purpose so I tried this hack instead. I could not believe how easily the gunk wiped out when it was all done. Crazy easy. Plus, as a lover of lemon smell, it was a heavenly aroma too!
I will definitely be trying this out on our cutting boards though because they’re not always easy to clean. The spaghetti stains? That’s brilliant! I finally tossed mine, but when it happens again…oh you best believe I’m gonna try this!
Too many good ones to recap here. You’re the best, Michelle. Thank you for sharing, as always. You have my love and I am always here if you should ever need me. 🤗
Awww, thank you!! It has been such a crazy busy year!
Haha! I love your microwave story! I know exactly what you mean! Those little food pieces on the microwave walls are such a pain to get off, too. Thank you for sharing that! You always know how to bring a smile to my face!
Thank you so much, my friend. I’m here for you, as well! Many hugs and love!!
Great tips! Thank you. Blessings, Michelle!
Thank you so much!
Wonderful tips, Michelle. We use lemon to clean the microwave, but I’m going to try some of these other tips.
Thank you! Lemons are great at cleaning the microwave and getting all the food smells out, too. 🙂
Wow – those are some great tips! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank you so much!
Awesome!! My garage disposal and shower are equally in need of a good cleaning!!
Hope you are well!!😉
Thank you! The garbage disposal is the worst! haha! I’m doing well, thank you! It has just been such a busy and crazy year. I hope you and your family are well!
We are and like you we’re busy too! I don’t love that but it’s what it is.
I feel your pain! 😉 Prayers going up for you all!
Same to you❤️
How amazing is Mother Nature? I never knew I could use lemons to clean the bathroom and to clean faucets! I’ll definitely be using your recipe for cleaning the bathtub!!! Thanks for sharing Michelle xxx
Right? It’s so great that we have some amazing ways to clean without using harsh chemicals. Thank you for your comment! I’m glad you found these tips helpful!
I love how versatile lemons are and such eco-friendly cleaner!
Me, too! Thank you for your comment! 🙂
very useful!💙😊
Thank you!!
Thanks for the tips. I find that lemon juice is the only way to get rid of black tea and coffee stains in mugs. 🤗
Thank you for sharing that! I haven’t heard that one before. I’ll definitely give it a try. 😉
This is so fantastic! I’m so interested in the lemon instead of bleach trick. I hate the thought of using bleach and definitely want to try this!
Thank you so much! I’m glad you found these tips helpful. I can’t use bleach at all, so this trick is much better for me. Healthier, too!
So many good ideas! I love that’s all natural and all easy and all just plain good for our health too. Thanks for sharing, I’m bookmarking this.
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you found these tips helpful!
Great Ideas and thanks so very much for sharing them Sister in JESUS-YESHUA CHRIST-MESSIAH Michelle!!
Shalom Aleichem and Mazel Tov Everyone!! 💕
I Love 💕 you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because 💕 HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST 💕 !! Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday!!
Love 💕 Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/
Kristi Ann
Thank you so much! I hope you have a very blessed day!
Wow good idea we don’t need room freshner .😇😇
Thank you! Yes, I agree! 🙂
You are welcome stay blessed 🤗🥰
This is alluring and advantage tips, Michelle. 🌝
Somehow I missed your post. I love this! So many useful things. I’m going to go try some lemon juice on some bowls right now. 😅
Love using lemons!!!