Our Family Life

Winter Bucket List: 40 Winter Themed Activities

Winter can be gray and depressing. Instead of laying around wishing for warmer weather, get up and cross off your winter bucket list! Here’s a list of 40 winter-themed activities to get you off the couch and having fun this winter.

Winter Bucket List

Winter can really bring some people down.

The shorter days send the sun behind the mountains quicker than we would like.

Freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and blustery winds are not exactly everyone’s idea of perfect weather.

Trees stand bare and the color has drained out of the fields.

Sounds depressing, doesn’t it?

Winter doesn’t have to be depressing and bring you down! I’ve put together a list of 40 winter themed activities to get you off the couch and having fun.

Start checking off your winter bucket list today!

{Click here for a printable version of this list.}

Winter Bucket List

  1. Build a snowman
  2. Make snow angels
  3. Make pictures in the snow with food dye
  4. Have a snowball fight
  5. Go sledding and/or skiing
  6. Take a winter nature walk
  7. Shovel a neighbor’s driveway
  8. Have a bonfire
  9. Volunteer at a food kitchen
  10. Clean out and organize your closet & donate unwanted items
  11. Donate socks and blankets to a local homeless shelter
  12. Do a random act of kindness
  13. Make your own hot cocoa
  14. Bake cookies
  15. Make apple cider
  16. Bake a loaf of bread
  17. Make homemade soup
  18. Have an indoor picnic
  19. Host a baking contest with friends
  20. Have a game night
  21. Visit a museum
  22. Go bowling
  23. Take a cooking class
  24. Take a painting class
  25. See a play
  26. Host a murder mystery dinner party
  27. Learn a new language
  28. Learn a new hobby
  29. Binge-watch your favorite TV show
  30. Read a winter novel
  31. Cut out paper snowflakes
  32. Complete a puzzle
  33. Have a paper snowball fight indoors
  34. Camp out in the living room
  35. Have a pajama day
  36. Start a gratitude journal
  37. Go through old photos
  38. Start a scrapbook
  39. Throw a Superbowl party
  40. Take dinner to a family member or friend who’s been feeling down

What’s the first fun activity you’re going to cross off your winter bucket list?

Don’t forget to grab your free printable version of this winter bucket list before you go!

Winter Bucket List

Looking for more family-friendly activities? Try these:
Fabulously Frugal Fall Family Activities
20 Ways to Spend a Money-Free Weekend
20 Free Spring Bucket List Ideas

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Winter Bucket List

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