The Day the Tree Fell on Our New Home
Just our luck – a tree fell on our new home! Scroll down to see the damage it caused.

Just eleven days after closing on our new home, a storm blew through the area with strong winds. Unfortunately, the winds caused a tall oak tree to fall onto the family room. Luckily it only caused minor damage and none of the windows were broken. However, it did tear off the gutters and put a huge hole in the roof.
That tree has been there over 100 years, but it waited until that night to fall.
Keep reading to see the damage the tree caused to our family room and to read the positives I’m choosing to see in this situation.
The damage
The photo below is taken from the kitchen window and you can see the damage the tree did to this side.

The below photo is taken from the living room window. Not exactly the view I want to see when I look out those windows!

The following photos are taken from upstairs. Here you can really see where the tree went through the roof, causing a huge hole.

From the opposite side of the family room, you can see where the top of the tree whipped around when it fell. When that happened, small sticks from the top of the tree impaled the wall and stuck.

Now let’s take a look inside the family room at the damage to the ceiling.
As you walk into the family room, you can see the busted ceiling. Luckily, I hadn’t unwrapped our new couch and loveseat yet!

From the other side of the living room, you can see that it damaged the top of the built-ins and ripped the light down. Luckily it didn’t take out the ceiling fan, though!

And if you look straight up, you can see the sky!

We were fortunate enough to have a tree company come out and remove the tree the following day. Also, a roofer came out and covered the roof after the tree was removed. There were more storms on the way, so I’m glad they were able to come out so fast.
We’ve contacted everyone that needed to be contacted, but we’re still waiting to hear back from a contractor to repair the damage. Everyone is booked up so it’s taking forever. I’m not sure when this will ever get fixed!

The positives
I was so excited to move into our new home and get things settled and make it our own. However, I’m thankful now that we decided to refinish our bedroom floor first, otherwise, we would have been there the night the tree fell.
God is grateful in His mysterious ways!

Another positive I’m seeing from this tree falling is getting a new roof. The entire roof was going to have to be replaced in the near future, and that’s a lot of money. Now, we will be getting a new roof on the entire home and our insurance will be paying for it.
One more positive I’m choosing to see – my husband wanted to change the kitchen stovetop to gas, because “it will save so much money”. (Those are his words. I don’t cook enough to use THAT much electricity! AND I don’t want a gas cooktop!) So, now that the tree fell on the house and we have to get a few others cut down before they fall – we don’t have the money to buy a new cooktop. (Thank you tree!)
Have you ever had a tree fall on your home? Do you have any crazy stories that you’d like to share from when you moved into a new home? I’d love to hear them!

Woah! That’s a lot of damage 🙁 Thank godness you weren’t in the room when it happend. That sure is one lovely looking home you got there. New pictures please when the roof is fixed 😉
I agree! I’m glad we decided to fix up some things before moving in. Otherwise it could have been a lot worse. I’ll definitely have new pics whenever they finally get everything fixed. 🙂
Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear this. Glad no one was injured though. As you can see the positives which are good, good the insurance pays, yes it good to have it happen now before you are all established and sorted. It is still stressful. All the best.
Thank you! I agree. I’m so glad we decided to fix a few things before moving in, otherwise it could have been a lot worse.
Oh I am so very sorry. Thank goodness you weren’t there when the tree fell. I hope everything gets repaired soon. We had terrible storms yesterday with lots of flooding, I am thankful we are safe.
Me, too! I’m hoping we hear back from a contractor soon. I didn’t think it would take this long. I’m glad you’re safe and didn’t get flooded!
So sorry to hear this Michelle and thank God that none of you were in the room when it happened. Hope that everything gets fixed soon. Good on you for focusing on the positive.
Blessings ?
I’m so glad we weren’t there, too. It could have been so much worse. Thank you! I hope to hear back from the contractor soon. 🙂
How dreadful, Michelle! Although, as you say, it could have been worse. I’m not sure I’d have managed to be so positive. Hope it all gets fixed soon.
Thank you! Me, too! When it first happened, I wasn’t so positive. It took a few days to start seeing some silver linings. LOL 😀
Oh my goodness. We have several large maple trees behind our house and I worry every time we have a storm that this will happen. I am glad you are able to look at the positive side. New roofs are expensive!
I hope it doesn’t happen to you! The tree company quoted us for cutting down a few more trees that are too close to the house and it’s over $3000! But I guess that’s better than a hole in the roof. haha!
Oh girl! I am very sorry about this.. thank God no one got hurt… You’ve still got a great home! Keep safe always!
Thank you! I’m glad we weren’t there, too. 🙂
I’m so sorry!! Glad you are all safe! You have a great attitude. ? We had to have our roof replaced due to tornado damage a few years ago – but nothing like what you have. Hoping you can get it fixed quickly!
Oh no! I hope everything else was ok during the tornado. How scary! Thank you! I hope we hear back from the contractor soon. I didn’t realize it would take so long.
Everything else was ok for us. Hoping you hear from the contractor soon! Contractors seem to be busy in general right now – hope they will make you a priority!
That’s so good to hear! Thank you! Yes, it seems everyone is booked up. The tree company said they’re backed up until June! Crazy!
Oh my goodness girl! I’m so sorry!! Aside from the tree deal which will eventually get fixed up, the house looks beautiful!!!! Love the style of it!
We’ve never had a tree fall on our property but our neighbor at our old house who was a cop had a tree fall on his patrol truck and it totaled it!?
Thank you! I love the home and the family room is what sold me on the house! How ironic that’s the room the tree fell on. LOL That’s terrible about the tree falling on the patrol truck! I’m glad he was ok, though!
Yes he wasn’t in the truck so it was all good!!
…I’ll be excited to see your house once it’s all decorated in a future post one day..maybe…LOL?
Haha! Maybe the faaarrrr future at this point! LOL
LOL’ll all get it done and this will be a distant memory!!
I am so sorry Michelle!!! ?♂️
Thank you! It’s been quite a mess! One thing after another.
Ain’t that how it goes sometimes…
Oh my! So glad no-one was hurt.
Thank you! Me, too!
Oh my goodness! That is unbelievable after you did so much on your house for renovation. Also here is very stormy, and too cold for a Spring. We have not such a big tree nearby, but I have heard about damaging houses by falling trees. Anyhow, as you said, there are many positive aspects to this bad luck: First, you are all healthy and alright, and somehow there comes a new roof over your heads. As the German says: sometimes there are worse things! (es gibt schlimmeres!) Take care, dear Michelle, and be safe, you and yours. ???
I know! It’s hard to believe it happened. I’m sorry to hear it has been so stormy and cold there. We’ve been having weird weather here, too. Cold one day and hot the next. I like your positives in this situation, too. Thank you for sharing! I hope you are staying safe and doing well, my friend!
How unfortunate! I loved looking through your new home in the first post. It is beautiful and hey a new roof! God is good in His mysterious ways.
We had a tree company drop a tree right onto our roof! I don’t recommend them to anyone! Lol..
Thank you! How ironic that the tree fell on my favorite room in the house! haha! Oh no! No, I wouldn’t recommend that company to anyone, either. How terrible!
oh Michelle I am so sorry to see this happen, but so thankful you weren’t there or you didn’t have anything valuable in the room where the tree destroyed.
Thank you! Yes, I’m glad we weren’t there and hadn’t moved in yet. It could have been much worse! Now if they’d just hurry up and come fix it. lol
Oh, what a bummer! BEAUTIFUL home though and looks like a lovely yard as well! (Less the one tree ?). Good for you, keep looking at the positive side!
Thank you so much! I love the home, and the yard, too. The flowers and plants that were already there are so pretty! Now to just get everything fixed! lol
Haha! Yes!
Wow! How scary this must have been! Glad you are okay.
Thank you! Yes, it wasn’t exactly something I wanted to go through with a new home. 😀
WOW Michelle! First of all, I LOVE your new home. My goodness, it is absolutely gorgeous! I am SO happy for you & your family. What an awesome blessing to celebrate. I have zero doubt that y’all are going to be making your best memories yet in your new home.
I am however so sorry that this happened the way it did though. Yet, like you said, I can’t help but be struck in awe by how GOOD God was! One, you hadn’t moved in yet as you said. Two, the massive tree fell in such a place that it didn’t damage windows, foundations, etc. Amazing! Don’t get me wrong — the damage is/was clearly mindblowing. But we know it could have been SO much worse than that too! Third, how quickly the folks were able to come and get the tree out and cover the damaged roof so your home wasn’t further damaged by rain, etc.
Wow wow wow, the faithfulness of God indeed. My friend, I know that He has His hand on you all and I am so very grateful. To hear that you’ll have a new roof paid for by the insurance company – that is HUGE. What an expense you’ve saved there.
Thank you for sharing this praise report, even though it came at a high cost too. I pray that the repairs are speedy and that the finished product continues to amaze you with the provision of God! Love you, Michelle! Congratulations again on finding the home of your dreams! ?
Thank you so much! It took me a little bit to start seeing the positives in this, simply because I was so excited to decorate that toom! LOL But you’re right, it could have been much much worse. God is so amazing in His timing!
Thank you so much for your prayers! They (and you!!!) are much appreciated!! 🙂 Hugs and love to you!
Shoot, I can’t blame you there! With all of that excitement of getting into your new home, that would have been a HUGE disappointment! Anyone would have had a hard time “seeing the bright side” at such a moment.
I am grateful that what was clearly so heartbreaking will be turned around and used for good. ? I appreciate you too!
I am so sorry this happened. It is a big letdown to be so excited about a new home, and then something like this happens. Yikes. But I do love how you put a positive spin on all of it (especially with the stove, haha). Thank God no one was hurt. I pray that you guys are able to get the new roof soon. Waiting is not fun, especially with something so important.
Thank you! Yes, that’s exactly how I felt at first – letdown. And I agree – waiting is no fun at all! Especially with something like this. I just hope they can fix it all soon. Thank you for your prayers!
Oh bloody hell, you just can’t make it up! What inopportune timing, too! Over 100 years, and it just couldn’t happen 11 days earlier. I must say you’re doing a very, very good job at reading the positives here because I don’t think I would have dealt with that so well!
It looks like a lot of damage to me but I see what you mean with replacing the roof anyway in the near future and at least this way insurance covered it. Plus the new cooktop, which is a nice plus.
I can’t say I’ve ever had a tree fall on a house I’ve lived in. You’re the first and only person I’ve ever known to unfortunately be able to say that but I’m glad things weren’t even worse and that nobody was hurt!
Caz xx
Right!?! It took me a little bit to start seeing some positives here. At first I was so disappointed and upset! (I still kind of am, though, honestly.) It’s still unbelievable that it happened the way it did.
Thank you! I’m glad we decided to not move in right away. It could have been way worse!
What a headache for you. I am sorry you are having to deal with that. I do like, though, how you choose to look for and acknowledge the positives. A great reminder for the rest of us to try to do the same with the headaches in our own lives. Here’s to a speedy and complete house recovery.
Thank you! I hope they can get it fixed soon. I was looking forward to decorating that room! haha! Sometimes if we don’t look for positives in horrible situations, I think we’d just go insane. 🙂
Awww . . . I’m sorry to hear about this Michelle, but I’m glad you and you and your family are okay.
Thank you! Me, too. Now I’m very thankful we decided not to move in right away. 🙂
Wow! So glad you guys were not hurt! That’s great you got a brand new home. I didn’t even know that. I thought you were still remodelling your last house. Praying everything gets fixed fast and you can enjoy your new home. God bless!
Thank you! I’m hoping they get it fixed soon. We’re still finishing up our other house, too. We only have a few things left to do before we can list it. Lucklily this new house came on the market at the perfect time and at the perfect price. Now to just get it fixed! haha!
Oh my goodness, Michelle! When I saw the title to our post I had to do a double take because I couldn’t believe it! UGH! I’m so sorry this happened, especially so soon after closing on your new home! Glad to hear no one was hurt, but I know it’s still a set back for you guys! Leave it to you to put a positive spin on it, my friend! I hope things get fixed up soon and you can get back to making it your dream home! I absolutely LOVE all the windows! OMG all that natural light!
Right? It seemed almost like it just couldn’t be real at first! Thank you fo your kind words! I’m so glad we decided to wait before moving in. Aren’t those windows amazing? They just sold me on the house!
OMY’GOSH!! So sorry to hear even with the positives you’ve mentioned. Your new home looks gorgeous & I adore the French doors ?
Thank you! I just couldn’t believe that would happen! I love the French doors, too. I can’t wait to finally be able to enjoy all of it! 🙂
Oh no Michelle I feel so bad for you but thank God no one was hurt. You are absolutely right about the positives that came out of it although I’m not sure about the cook top. I love cooking with gas. 🙂 Your new house looks beautiful despite the damage.
My mom loves her gas stove, too and she said that I would love cooking with gas. I’m just so scared of gas! However, I’m starting to open up to it a bit more than I was before.
Thank you so much! I’m glad we decided to wait before moving in. 🙂
Well love a duck…that’s just a kick in the pants! Glad everyone is safe. Hopefully that’s a one and done for big things going wrong and it’s smooth sailing from here out!!
Right? I just couldn’t believe it! Thank you! I hope so, too!
Wow! That’s unbelievable, Michelle! I’m thankful no one was hurt. I love your positive outlook! God bless you!
I know! I couldn’t believe it myself at first. Thank you for your blessings!
Sorry about the tree. But I am happy for you that you see the good in this situation. I hope you will be able to get it fix soon
Thank you! I hope we hear back from the contractor soon so they can get started on the work.
Praying that they will.
Oh no!
I know! Only us…. LOL
Oh no! I hope they can get it fixed soon – that is a lot of damage!
Me, too! Another day has passed and we still haven’t heard from the contractor. So frustrating.
Oh my goodness Michelle! What a crazy thing to happen! Glad you’re all okay, and that the damage wasn’t even worse than this xx
I know! I just couldn’t believe it! Thank you! I’m glad now that we decided to wait before moving in.
Yes, thank goodness you did! xx
Wow, that’s a bummer…but you’re right, lots of silver linings. Glad something good came out of it and you’re all safe.
Thank you! I’m hoping they can get it fixed soon. It’s starting to become ridiculous now. lol!
OMG, Michelle, this is crazy!!! Thank goodness it wasn’t worse and the insurance will cover the costs. We just had a palm tree across the street fall, it avoided 3 houses, at least 10 cars, somehow it fell right along the sidewalk, a total miracle! Glad you are all okay, all the best for speedy repairs!??
Oh wow!! That was definitely a miracle! That’s amazing!! Thank you! I’m so glad we decided to wait before moving in so we weren’t there. 🙂
Oh no, Michelle! I coudln’t believe this when I saw it today! I’m so sorry! I’m glad the insurance is covering things but wow!
To make you feel better about the natural gas stove – it’s really not that hard to use but I’m not sure it’s that much cheaper or not? We get propane twice a year and the other day they delievered 27 gallons and it was $87!! Argh!
That is the least of your worries right now. Prayers that it all gets fixed soon!
Right! How crazy is that! Only us… LOL
Thank you for sharing that about the natural gas. I’m so back and forth about it. But that price? Ugh!
Thank you for your prayers! I promise to catch up on reading your blog soon. I still have it up on my laptop because I can’t wait to catch up on your book! 😀
The price for us was for propane, but natural gas, if you have a line running through your town, would probably be cheaper. Just check the prices – the company will tell you when you call what the rates are right now. And natural gas is often a monthly payment. At least this was only once and not monthly!
I am so behind on reading blogs because I have been writing and then I was just down about world news and didn’t read anything for a bit. I’ve turned all that off now and am more focused on the fun things in life – like reading the bloggers I love to follow.
Thanks for the tip! I’m pretty sure most of the houses on our street all have natural gas.
I know what you mean! For some stupid reason I started getting news notifications on my phone and I had to turn them off. I wish there was a news station that only shared positive news and good things that people do. It’s nice to see what’s going on locally sometimes, but there’s always apps for that. LOL
I didn’t want to hit like on this one, I am speechless! It will be a beautiful home again (I LOVE it). I’m just glad nobody was hurt. (((Hugs)))
Thank you! It’s just so unbelievable that it would happen like that. Always something! I’m so glad we decided to wait before moving in so we weren’t there. 😀
Hope you get all fixed up soon…
Thank you! Me, too! 😀
Thank God, Nobody got hurt. That is better than anything.. Its hard to believe this. Dear Michelle hope the roof and everything is easily fixed. Take care. ❤
Yes, I agree. Thank you! I’m hoping the repairs can get done as soon as possible. 🙂
Sending you love and blessings dear Michelle. ?
Thank you so much!! Hugs!
Wow. Sorry about this, ma’am. I am thankful no one got hurt. I pray that the means to fix it soonest, will come through too.
Do take care. ❤
Thank you so much for your prayers!!
Thank God you weren’t there when that happened! That’s amazing you’re able to see positives from such a horrible event.
I agree! It could have been so much worse!
Michelle, I was so sorry to hear about this tree on your new home (that looks so beautiful, BTW!) But your attitude of gratitude (this will help us get a new roof!) amazed me! Keep looking UP (and encouraging us to do the same!) Much love! Virginia
Thank you so much for your encouraging words! Looking UP is all I can do right now. Otherwise I’d go insane. LOL 🙂 Hugs!
Oh my goodness, I’m SO sorry to hear this Michelle!! But very grateful that nothing really horrible happened and of course that no one was hurt. It’s great that you can see the positives in this!
Thank you! It’s been so frustrating trying to get someone to come out. Finally a contractor came out last week and said he’s booked up for 3-4 months. But at least it’s a start!
Ugh, that’s horrible! Fingers crossed you can get it fixed very soon ??.
Thank you!
So very sorry. I admire you for you for trying to find silver linings.
Thank you! It’s been frustrating, but if I don’t look for the positives I’ll go crazy. LOL
Good to read that you are okay, and staying upbeat about the situation. Genuinely hope that everything comes together for you all soon. Take care
Thank you so much! 🙂
:O So frustrating when stuff like this happens. Hope all is resolved soon.
Yes it is! Thank you!!
First of all, your house is beautiful! Now…what in the entire…this story is insane, but I’m glad you were able to glean some positives from the incident.
Thank you! I love it!
Right? It’s so hard to believe it happened the way it did.
Wow, I am so sorry that happened so soon after your move! Oh, but thank God He protected you and your family. And what grace to be able to see His blessings in the midst of the storm! I will pray that the contractors are able to repair the damage and replace your roof soon!
It was quite unbelievable to have that happen so soon! Thank you for your prayers! 🙂
Praise GOD for you and your family’s safety
I agree! Thank you!
Oh my gosh, good you’re not injured. Anything else sure is a hustle, but can be fixed. Great to be positive, sending you best wishes from Germany. Love, Sovely
Thank you so much! It has been quite an unbelievable moment for sure. 🙂
Congratulations on your new home & I’m sorry to hear about the tree.
It’s good that everyone is okay & you’re viewing this situation as a positive!
Thank you! It’s been quite a journey for sure. 🙂
Whaaaa?!! Michelle! OMG. I’m so sorry to hear what happened only 11 days after getting your home. I’m so thankful you’re all safe and LOVE that you’re seeing the positive in this situation. Our condo flooded only a few weeks after we got married and we had to stay in a hotel for months, so I totally get about unforseen living circumstances. Sending much love to you and family x
Thank you! It was so unbelievable! Oh no! How terrible that your condo flooded right after you got married. That’s supposed to be a happy time to celebrate. I’m sorry that happened but now you have memories to look back on. 🙂 Thank you!