Money-Saving Grocery Shopping Challenge
Are you ready to start saving money on groceries? Keep reading to learn more about my money-saving grocery shopping challenge!
As many of you may know, we are renovating our 75-year-old home so we can sell it and buy a new home. This process hasn’t been that easy and it has cost quite a bit of money. However, not as much money as it would have if we were paying companies to do the renovation for us.
Over the years I’ve learned a lot about different ways to save money and live frugally. I want to share what I’ve learned with you so that you can live a more frugal and comfortable lifestyle instead of living paycheck to paycheck.
This year my main focus is on saving money. Looking back over our budget, one of the categories we spend the most money on is groceries. My goal is to lower our grocery bill as much as possible.
That’s why I’m starting a money-saving grocery shopping challenge. I hope you will follow along with me and participate in this challenge, too!
Recommended reading: 35 Topnotch Frugal Living Tips

Grocery Shopping Challenge
The average American household spends a little over $4000 on groceries each year. That’s a lot of money for food!
I want to lower that cost so I can use the extra money for other things, such as buying a new home. And I’m guessing you have things of your own you would like to have. Maybe that includes:
- a new car
- a new home
- a new wardrobe
- those new shoes you’ve been eyeing for months
No matter what it is that you want to purchase, you have to have the extra money to get it.
Which is why I started the grocery shopping challenge.
What to expect during the grocery shopping challenge
My grocery shopping challenge will be held every Friday for 6 weeks starting January 15. If you are signed up for my email list, you will get the challenge to your inbox every Sunday. If you are not on my email list and would like to be, you can use the form below.
Week 1
- During week one, you will learn more about how to comparison shop at the grocery store. Comparison shopping sounds a little intimidating, but it’s actually quite easy. As a bonus, you’ll get a free printable price sheet to help you keep track of prices.
Week 2
- Week 2 will be all about meal planning. You’ll learn more about meal planning in general and how it can help you save money on groceries. As a bonus, you’ll get 3 meal planning sheets!
Week 3
- For week 3 of the grocery shopping challenge, you’ll learn how to save money without using coupons. I used to be a coupon freak until I learned how to save just as much money without them. It’s also less stressful and a major time saver. As a bonus, you’ll get free inventory sheets to print out!
Week 4
- Week 4 is going to be full of tips to make your groceries last longer. I hate throwing away leftovers and bad produce because I feel like I might as well just be tossing dollar bills in the trash.
Week 5
- This is another week full of amazing tips, only these tips are going to help you save big at the grocery store!
Week 6
- Finally, in the last week of the grocery shopping challenge, you’ll learn how to put together your own ultimate kitchen binder. This binder is going to help you save both time and money. You’ll get a bunch of free printables to create your binder with, plus tips on how to use it.
Other things to expect during this challenge
- Expect to save time: Not only will you learn how to save money during the challenge, but you’ll learn how to save time, too. Being organized is a major time saver. The kitchen binder along with all my free printables will help you get organized, saving you a lot of time.
- Expect to be less stressed: Overspending causes a lot of stress. And so does being unorganized. This grocery shopping challenge will help you get organized and learn how to spend less on groceries, therefore bringing your stress level down.
- Expect to have fun: What? Fun grocery shopping? I know. I hear ya! But, consider this challenge to be like a fun game. Reward yourself at the end with something you love, like a piece of mouthwatering, moist chocolate cake.
I hope you’ll join me on this money-saving grocery shopping challenge! I am so excited to help you save money while grocery shopping!
Click here to get started with Week 1!

I pretty much hunt for my food lol. 3 deer are well more than enough to sustain me from season to season. Unfortunately my wife doesn’t share in the festivities lol…
How’s the renovation going?
That definitely saves money on meat! 🙂 I miss having deer meat. Now that my papa passed away there’s no woods to hunt in.
The renovation is still going slowly but surely. We’ve been working on the kitchen which I hope to start sharing soon. 🙂
If y’all didn’t live so far away it’d give an excuse to hunt more lol!!
So true!! We’re looking at a house that we’re hoping to go see this weekend with more land. Plus it’s out in the boondocks surrounded by hay fields. Much better than living on the outskirts of a small town! ugh….
Boonies just aren’t boonie enough for me lol!! But I’ll take what I got!
I applaud your decision for more land. They’re definitely not making it anymore.
LOL! I know what you mean. I’d rather be far up in the mountains, but with homeschooling there’s no internet so I have to stick to the boonies. haha!
There is internet in the mountains ya know…….. ?
Tell my husband that! haha!! 😀
Husbands are hard headed… lol!!
I’m just too fond of the mountains to care ?
So true! 😀 😀
Thanks, Michelle! I always appreciate your tips and advice! God bless!
Thank you! I’m so glad you find them helpful! 🙂
I’m so for this! Thank you for sharing. I’m a coupon addict and never leave home without them and a list to stick to
That’s great! I’m so glad you’ll be joining along! I’m a list girl, too! 🙂
Ohhh how exciting!! I’m game!! I definitely need to get better about meal planning as I’ve actually been saying so lately..hopefully this will give me the motivation to do so!!!
Yay! I’m so glad you’ll be joining along! I’m excited to start saving! 🙂
Me too!!?
This sounds exciting. I always slacken off with meal planning and have been thinking about being more consistent with it.
Thank you! I have found that if I ever slack off making a weekly menu I’ll never get back to it. LOL 😀
Ohhhh what a great challenge, you’re so creative, this will definetely help to reduce the grocery bill xoxo
Thank you so much! ❤️ How sweet!
This is great! I’m all about meal planning. It became a habit when my son was young : )
Thank you! It’s easy to stick to it after you’ve done it for a while. ?
I love the idea. Looking forward to reading updates on it. ?
Thank you! I’m so glad you’ll be following along! ?
These are all great tips. I don’t want to miss all the lessons.
Thank you! I’m so glad you’ll be following along!
Hey Michelle! I just discovered your blog and I am so excited about your challenge! Looking forward to trying it out. The good Lord knows I need as many tips to organize as I can get. ❤
I’m so glad you are here and that you’ll be following along! ? Thank you!
This sounds amazing! I am looking forward to it! ?
Thank you! I’m so glad you’ll be following along! ?
Oh, sounds like a good idea. I used to comparison shop. Right now my husband is doing the shopping as he would rather be in the store than have me in the store. So when I tell him I want something he asks for details and my first response is “Which ever is cheaper”. At least most of the time. But I also have other specifics. So right now, we get what we can get when we can get it. We have even started using Instacart . Being in the worst county for COVID cases in our area, we are just trying to lie low. Great idea for a blog post!
I completely understand that, especially right now. It’s hard to spend a lot of time in the store comparison shopping because you want to get out as quick as possible. 🙂
That’s an awesome challenge Michelle, I can’t wait to have it started! Sounds like a really good plan. I always love to save money and that’s perfect to start with!
Thank you! I hope it helps! 🙂
Signed up and can’t wait! That is the monthly category where we spend the most money, too.
Great! It’s so crazy how expensive groceries are now. Especially when they’re something we have to have.
This is one place in our budget I’ve really been focused on these past few months. We were spending WAY too much money on groceries! Can’t wait to follow along!
It’s crazy how expensive groceries are now! I’m so glad you’ll be following along. 🙂
I’m signed up! Can’t wait to see this challenge unfold Michelle!
Great! Thank you! 😀
We are moving soon and I’ll definitely be implementing these tips! Thanks Michelle 🙂
Ooooh, you are the best, Michelle! I tell you, there is no better time than the present to save money on groceries. It is truly unbelievable how the cost of everything has gone up, especially for essentials. That makes me mad too because we know it is gouging and not necessary. My husband and I always say that if the “sale” price is that much lower than the regular price – we are getting taken advantage of every single day. Stores are in the money making business. They’re not going to lose money on a “sale” item. I’d hate to see how much of a mark-up most of these items are. (sigh) It’s hard on people just trying to live within a reasonable budget.
Looking forward to all of your tips, like always. Thank you Michelle! ♥
I agree! It’s discouraging because grocery stores know we all need to eat and that people are still losing their jobs due to Covid. Yet they keep raising prices! Ugh! I hope my tips help! They’ve sure helped us save over the years! 🙂